My Options trading Unlocked – Newsletter 12 Aug 23

My goal is to share my journey and help you make a profit from options trading. Every week I report about the status of my portfolio.
Newsletter – My Options Trading Unlocked : Insights for Tomorrow’s Profits

12 Aug 2023

My goal is to share my journey and help you make a profit from options trading. Every week I report about the status of my portfolio. I will also write my thoughts and everything I think you may want to know about the stock market for the week ahead as an option trader.


1. Overall Market Overview

When I prepare for trading or following the market and my positions, I focus on two aspects : the general trend om the market with the indexes, mainly the SPX and the volatilty of the stocks with the VIX.

SPX Chart – SPX 4464$

The SPX continued the down move and closed the week 1,1% lower, moving towards the 50 day average, where it may (or may not) find support. It looks like a continued downtrend next week is more likely, so we need to keep an eye on our deltas.

VIX Chart – VIX USD 17.09

The VIX showed a typical candle-sign on tuesday indicating an upcoming down movement, what also happened. The VIX had after a spike on Tuesday just above 18, bout finally closed the week 7,31 % down back under 15. VIX is still relatively low, which impacts the number of positions I can take at this moment.

2. TOCF Portfolio Weekly Recap & Trading Plan

a. My actions this last week :

Closing Positions :

  • Closing $LYFT Covered Call 13 for a 70 day 28% return, for $0.08, resulting in a net P/L of $16,00 with a ROC of 5,54% and an Ann ROC 28%

Opening Positions :

  • 09 Aug 23 : Adding a small position to portfolio, opening a new position in $SOFI : STO 2 Short Naked Put 9, ExpDate 15/09/23, BP $944, IVR 2,6, SpyB_Delta 4,58 with PoP 61% for a net credit of $0,70

Adjusting Positions :

  • 07 Aug 23 : Rolling my $COIN STR position : rolled down the call from 110C to 100C for $1.09 credit, total credit received is now $5.52 for the 85P/110C strangle, theta = $19, DTE = 39
  • 08 Aug 23 : Adjusting both of my IWM positions: rolling down the untested side and lowering my deltas
    • Rolled down the call to 202C for $0.56 credit, total credit received is now $3.10 for the 192P/202C strangle.
    • Rolled down the call to 202C for $0.65 credit, total credit received is now $3.84 for the 190P/202C strangle.
  • 09 Aug 23 : Rolling my $SOFI Strangle 10P/12C position into a naked put : closed the call for $0.08 debit, keeping the 10put for a $1.08 credit received.
  • 11 Aug 23 : Rolling my $COIN Short Strangle 85P/110C position : rolled down the call to 100C for $1.11 credit, total received credit now $6.63
  • 11 Aug 23 : Rolling calls in $IWM for the second time this week :
    • Rolling my $IWM Short Strangle 190P/202C position : rolled down call to 198C for $0.90 credit, total net credit received now $4.74
    • Rolling my $IWM Short Strangle 192P/202C position : rolled down call to 198C for $0.90 credit, total net credit received now $4.00

b. Weekly results & currently open positions:

Here is an overview for both portfolios:

Most of my positions are still in the red and need improvement over time. I am positive

My monthly trade results are also available on our website – Monthly Trade Results.

b. My Trading Plan for upcoming week:

At portfolio level :

  • I will report my two Tastytrade portfolios separately as from now, planning to use the “WH” account for wheel strategy demo purposes.
  • The theta of both Tastytrade portfolios need to be increased next week preferably. The theta for Mexem is just above 0,1% Net Liq and in the required range.
  • The delta of the MEXEM account is a bit too high at the moment, as is the allocation. I will be need to adjust this as soon as possible.

At individual stock level :

  • I will keep both PYPL and AMD till expiration and start/continue the wheel strategy if required.
  • I am hoping to close the Covered call AMD worthless next week and open a new one lowering my cost basis further. Current cost basis for my AMD shares is $106,62.
  • Current cost basis for my LYFT shares : $15,26

3. Weekly Watchlist

My special attention remain to manage the coming week : IWM, SOFI, AMD, PYPL, FSR

4. Other info

The screenshots I have used today are from the improved Google Sheets options trading journal spreadsheet that I am currently testing (with new improvements & integrating new possibilities such as filtered reporting, automated dashboards parameter and calculations). More coming soon …

More info about my new spreadsheet to come on my website.

In our discord channels, I provide live comments, trade alerts, educational info, tools and spreadsheets. and more every day in our discord room. Join anytime here:

Thanks for reading the TOCF Newsletter and happy trading!


Let’s generate cash flow together !


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