Benefits of creating a TOCF shop account

On this page we provide some extra info about the best practices as a customer of the TOCF spreadsheet shop, regarding account creation and regarding ratings and reviews.

As a TOCF shopper, when purchasing from our store, you have the option to checkout in 2 different ways:

  • as a “Guest” without creating an account to the shop
  • as a “Customer”with the creation of an account to the shop.

Account creation

You have the possibility to create an account before shopping or create an account during the checkout process.

An account is created by registering with your email-adress, a password, and I ssuggest to subscribe to the newsletter to receive the TOCF news, exclusive deals, product updates, and insider discounts.

After you have created an account , you can log in to the TOCF store where you have a couple of functionalities available for you on the My Account page. 

My Account is the central customer dashboard in a WooCommerce store. Customers can view past orders, edit addresses, and payment details.

Once logged in, the customer is shown the default My Account Dashboard, with links to other sections off to the side.

The Orders section allows customers to access their order history. The order number, date, status, total, and actions available for each order, are available at a glance. 

The Downloads section lists the name of products, downloads remaining, expiry date, and a button that downloads attachments, that were bought as part of a Downloadable product.

Customers can update their Billing address and Shipping address in the Addresses section.

In the Account Details section a customer can update their personal info as it relates to their user account. Details include first and last name, and a display name, the latter of which is used for the accounts section and reviews. The account’s password can also be reset in this section.

Ratings and Reviews

Reviews enable us to better inform customers about our products and services, and help with purchasing decisions. The review section also give customers a chance to pass feedback about our support and product development. Customers who buy a product on TOCF can leave a rating from one to five stars and a few words about their experience.

Because we take reviews very seriously, and we want to avoid spam reviews, we only will allow reviews of “verified owner” customer only. This is extremely important to us and for future customers as this guarantees the review you are reading is from a real customer.

This means in order to make a customer review, you will need to create a login/account (as shown above). This will take only a minute. The Woocommerce platform will check that created customer account has really purchased the product and is eligible to make a review.

Customers who have purchased a product using “Guest” checkout (without creating an account) will also need to create an account to be able to write a product review. Considering the advantages of having an account (check orders and download links), making your customer account appears a logical step towards the benefits.

Here are the 4 simple steps to make a review of a purchased product:
  1. Go login into your account, you will have made with the same email you ordered the spreadsheets with: 
  2. After logging in, you should be able to see your past orders, downloads,… (as explained above)
  3. Then, you go to the product page and click on review (next to the product Description – example screenshot below) :

4. There, in the review section, you will be able to post/paste your review text.

Important remark : It happens with Woocommerce that when you have made a purchase as a “Guest” before creating an account afterwards, that your orders don’t show up immediately (it can take a couple of minutes to update – so refresh the page after a while). This also means you can’t make a review on the purchased product yet either. In the case that your orders don’t show up after refreshing and it stays like this, or if it should not work at all, send me a mail or Dm, and I will take a look at it right away.

For those who are religiously against making an account with all the benefits, but still want to give your review or opinion on a product, you can always comment on the website pages of the spreadsheets themselves.

Thanks in advance.


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1 year ago

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this. It’s every cent worthy.
Thank you very much !!